Did you know MVACL belongs to an Ethics Committee through the Madawaska
Communities Circle of Health? This committee has participated in training led by
Nikolija Lukich, Reginal Ethicist who works for the Ottawa Hospital. This committee
meets at least 4 times per year, more often if there are submissions that need to be
reviewed. Members consist of staff from St. Francis Memorial Hospital, Valley Manor,
Barry’s Bay and Area Home Support, Madawaska Valley Hospice, and MVACL.
Ethics considers how we ought to live, that is, how we ought to treat others and how
we ought to live our own lives. An ethics consultation will help to answer the question
“What do I do” in a particular situation.
When our agency has difficult decisions to be made for the care and wellbeing of
those we support, and there are differing opinions on how to handle this, an Ethics
Committee submission is an option. The committee does not make decisions, but
rather helps the individuals involved in a difficult situation to examine the issue by
considering all perspectives and options.
See the Ethics Brochure and have a look at our own Ethics Policy. These
provide more in depth information about the committee and how to submit a request
for consultation.
Jay Fabian, Quality Assurance Manager MVACL
The following are links to our partners on the Ethics Committee.