Feedback/Complaint Resolution Policy
This policy applies to all persons served, their families and the general public.
Policy Statement
A complaints/feedback process is an important part of providing quality support that is responsive to people’s needs, and is part of continuous improvement in service delivery.
Following is the process to elicit feedback and to resolve and respond to complaints regarding the agency and the services and supports it provides.
People who come into service, and or persons acting on their behalf will receive information in plain language regarding our complaints feedback process.
People receiving service, persons acting on their behalf and the general public have a right to express concern at any time.
Persons supported by MVACL have the right to expect assistance from staff to make such a complaint.
Wherever possible, the service agency shall make reasonable efforts to resolve or address the matter to the mutual satisfaction of both the person who has made the complaint and MVACL.
If the complaint is one of abuse, the MVACL policy regarding abuse will be adhered to.
There will be no negative repercussions on persons receiving services should a complaint be lodged.
All complaints and feedback of serious nature will be reported to the Ministry as a Serious Occurrence.
Employees are expected to promote and execute the procedures in this policy. Failure to do so may result in discipline according to existing MVACL Policies and Procedures.
Process regarding Complaints relating to programs or operations of MVACL
Complaints relating to programs or staff may be given verbally, or in writing to support workers, the manager of the program, or the Executive Director.
If there is a conflict of interest to be considered, the complaint must be forwarded on to another agency representative.
The complaint will be investigated by the manager of the program. It will be documented and responded to in writing within three (3) working days.
The concern and its resolution shall be written in plain language and signed off by all parties. This will be forwarded to the Executive Director for review.
If the complaint remains unresolved, the Executive Director will make further attempts toward resolution within five (5) working days. If necessary an outside mediator will be retained to aid in resolution.
Complaints regarding governance, membership, or fundraising:
Please submit your complaint in writing to the Board of Directors at 19491 Opeongo Line, P.O. Box 1178, Barry’s Bay, ON. K0J 1B0.
If the complaint is of an urgent nature, a special meeting of the board may be called by the president. All other complaints will be addressed at the regular monthly board meeting.
The Board will attempt to resolve the complaint through a committee, or may seek outside mediation. The Board will respond to the complaint in writing within one (1) week of the committee/board meeting.