Passport Funding
Madawaska Valley Association for Community Living is a not for profit charitable organization. We ensure full compliance with Quality Assurance Regulations as outlined in the Social Inclusion Act. We can help you with your Passport Funding.
What is Passport Funding?
Passport funding is a reimbursement program that lets you manage your own funding.
You choose and pay for the services and supports you want and then send Invoices to the participating agencies so they can reimburse you.
What can I use it for?
- Education: Passport money can be used for Education (e.g., Literacy, computer or cooking classes). Fees for programs that are designed for people with developmental disabilities, recreational programs (e.g. swimming,
camp). - Employment: Job preparation or work activities (e.g., hiring a worker to help with on the job training, or as a job coach.
- Volunteering: Support needed to participate in volunteer or community activities (e.g., cost of transportation, support hours to help you participate).
- Daily life: Activities that help you develop social skills, independent living and personal money management (e.g., banking, using a library, grocery shopping).
- Caregiver respite: Hiring someone to help with personal care of a person with a developmental disability to give the care giver a break in your home, or a different location.
- Person directed planning: Getting help to develop a person directed plan that builds on your strengths and interests, and identifies the supports you need to achieve your goals.
- Administrative & Brokerage: Getting help to hire and schedule a safe support worker. Help to manage the financial reporting requirements that are related to passport funding
Individualized and unique supports can be created to meet the needs of you and your family.
Resources to assist you with your individualized Funding

Who do I call?
If you have passport funding and are interested in purchasing any of these services from MVACL, please contact:
Community Participation Supports Program
c/o Madawaska Valley Association for Community Living
Phone: (613) 756-3817 Ext 204
Program Guidelines for Adults with a Developmental Disability and their Caregivers
“Working together to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities”